To be held immediately following the Committee of the Whole Meeting
The City of Victoria is located on the homelands of the Songhees Nation and Xwsepsum Nation

Proposals for the Consent Agenda:

  • E.1.a.a - Appointment of Bylaw Officers
  • E.1.a.b - Fire Inspector and Fire Investigator Designations
  • E.1.b.a - Speed Limit Reductions on Arterial and Collector Streets
  • E.1.b.b - Victoria Housing Reserve Fund Applications - September 2024 Intake
  • F.1 - Bylaw for 522 St. Charles Street: Heritage Designation No. 00202



A report recommending:

  • 1st and 2nd readings of:
    • Heritage Designation (522 St. Charles Street) Bylaw, No. 24-040

This application proposes to designate the exterior of the building located at 522 St. Charles Street to be protected heritage property.

  • Adoption of:
    • Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Utilities Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No.12), No. 24-089
    • Solid Waste Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No.14), No. 24-090
    • Waterworks Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No.19), No. 24-091

The purpose of the bylaws are to increase the connection fees, special fees and consumption charges payable under the Waterworks Bylaw, No. 07-030; increase the stormwater user fee factor rates, CRD sewer consumption charge payable, connection fees, dye tests fees, and special fees and considerations payable under the Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Utilities Bylaw, No. 14-071; and amend the Solid Waste Bylaw, No.12-086 to increase the fees for the collection of solid waste.

  • Adoption of:
    • Development Potential Tax Relief Eligibility Bylaw, No. 24-093

The purpose of this bylaw is to specify the percentage for different areas, properties or kinds of properties that are eligible for a development potential tax relief program and thus, which properties may be included in an annual property tax bylaw that provides for relief for Council’s consideration.

  • Adoption of:
    • Tax Exemption (2659 Douglas Street) Bylaw, No. 24-069

The application proposes to assist in the seismic upgrade and rehabilitation of the heritage building located at 2659 Douglas Street, by exempting a portion of the land from municipal property taxes for ten years. 

  • Adoption of:
    • Tax Exemption (1050 Pandora Avenue) Bylaw, No. 24-068

The application proposes to assist in the seismic upgrade and rehabilitation of the heritage building located at 1050 Pandora Avenue, by exempting a portion of the land from municipal property taxes for 3 years.

  • Adoption of: 
    • Tax Exemption (1314/1318 Wharf Street) Bylaw, No. 24-070

The application proposes to assist in the seismic upgrade and rehabilitation of the heritage building located at 1314 /1318 Wharf Street, by exempting a portion of the land from municipal property taxes for ten years.

Link to the November 7, 2024 Committee of the Whole Agenda

  • Approval of:
    • Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00285

Council is considering a Development Permit with Variances Application to remove the requirement for the developer to construct sidewalks along the two frontages of the development.

Addendum: Correspondence

Link to the November 7, 2024 Committee of the Whole Agenda

  • Approval of:
    • Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00263

Council is considering a Development Permit with Variances Application to remove the requirement for the developer to construct improvements along the frontage of the development.

Addendum: Updated Closed meeting rationale


That Council convene a closed meeting that excludes the public under Section 90 of the Community Charter for the reason that the following agenda items deal with matters specified in Sections 90(1) and/or (2) of the Community Charter, namely:

Section 90(1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:

Section 90(1)(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;

Section 90(1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations;

Section 90(1)(f) law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment;

Section 90(1)(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and

Section 90(2) A part of a council meeting must be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following:

Section 90(2)(b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party.