To be held immediately following the Committee of the Whole Meeting
The City of Victoria is located on the homelands of the Songhees Nation and Xwsepsum Nation

Proposals for the Consent Agenda:

  • F.1 - Bylaw for 674, 676, and 678 Battery Street, 675 and 685 Niagara Street, and 50 Douglas Street: Update on Rezoning Application No. 00810 and Development Permit with Variances No. 000614 and Heritage Alteration Permit No. 00251
  • F.2 - Bylaw for 320 Cook Street and 1075 Pendergast Street: Rezoning Application No. 00854 and Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00288
  • F.3 - Bylaw for 1885 Government Street: Rezoning Application No. 00870 and Development Permit with Variances Application No. 000641
  • F.4 - Bylaw for 515 Foul Bay Road: Housing Agreement

Placeholder for time-sensitive items pending approval at the January 16, 2025 Committee of the Whole meeting.



Addendum: Correspondence and updated Attachment C

A report recommending:

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings of:
    • Zoning Regulation Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No. 1349), No. 24-080

Update: The applicant has made revisions to the Tenant Assistance Plan according to direction provided in the August 1, 2024 Council meeting. 

The application proposes to rezone from the R3-2 Zone, Multiple Dwelling District, to increase the density from 1.6:1 floor space ratio (FSR) to 2.45:1 FSR and allow construction of a new six-storey assisted living building.

Addendum: Correspondence

A report recommending:

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings of:
    • Zoning Regulation Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No. 1352), No. 24-086

The application proposes to amend the zoning for the portion of the lot that is currently zoned CR-3MCommercial Residential Apartment Modified District, to allow for the continuation of office, service commercialretail and professional uses on the second floor of the existing building and rezone the portion of the lot that is zoned R1-BSingle Family Dwelling District, and to the amended CR-3M zone.

A report recommending:

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings of:
    • Zoning Bylaw 2018, Amendment Bylaw (No. 16), No. 25-002

The application proposes removing the site-specific regulations that only permit automotive repair uses within the Old Town District 1 Zone and to increase the permitted density to construct a proposed six-storey, purpose-built residential rental building with ground floor commercial uses with variances related to a reduction in vehicle parking stalls and an increase in building height, and concurrently seeking retention and heritage designation of an existing building.

A report recommending:

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings of:
    • Housing Agreement (515 Foul Bay Road) Bylaw (2025), No. 25-012

The purpose of this bylaw is to authorize an agreement for rental housing for the lands known as 515 Foul Bay Road, Victoria, BC.

A report recommending:

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings of:
    • Zoning Regulation Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No.1350), No. 24-084
  • Adoption of:
    • Zoning Regulation Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No.1350), No. 24-084
    • Heritage Designation (522 St. Charles Street) Bylaw, No. 24-040
  • Approval of:
    • Development Variance Permit Application No. 00279

This application proposes to designate the exterior of the building located at 522 St. Charles Street to be protected heritage property and to rezone the southern portion of the land known as 522 St. Charles Street from the R1-A Zone, Rockland Single Family Dwelling District to the R1-B Zone, Single Family Dwelling District; and rezone the northern portion of the land known as 522 St. Charles Street from the R1-AZone, Rockland Single Family Dwelling District to the R1-A20 Zone, St. Charles Heritage District.

  • Adoption of:
    • Temporary Borrowing Bylaw, 2025, No. 25-005

The purpose of this Bylaw is to provide for the borrowing of money that may be necessary to meet the current lawful expenditures of the City.