Committee of the Whole - 18 May 2017 - Agenda - Html

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  MEETING OF THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2017, AT 9:00 A.M.



Located on the traditional territory of the Esquimalt and Songhees People





















Minutes from the Meeting held May 4, 2017














2. a.



Rezoning Application No. 00536 for 1745 Rockland Avenue (Rockland)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to construct three-single family dwellings on a panhandle lot.


Late Item: Presentation


Recommendation: That Council instruct staff to prepare the necessary Zoning Regulation Bylaw Amendment that would authorize the proposed development outlined in Rezoning Application No.00536 for 1745 Rockland Avenue, that first and second reading of the Zoning Regulation Bylaw Amendment be considered by Council and a Public Hearing date be set.


1_Report_REZ 00536 for 1745 Rockland Avenue

2_Attachment 1_Maps

3_Attachment 2_Plans

4_Attachment 3_Letter to Mayor and Council

5_Attachment 4_CALUC Comments

6_Attachment 5_Arborist Report







2. b.



Development Permit Application No. 000485 for 1745 Rockland Avenue (Rockland)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to construct three single-family dwellings as strata units in a building strata on one panhandle lot.


Please  refer to the Rezoning Application Item above for attachments


Recommendation: That Council consider the following motion after the Public Hearing for Rezoning Application No. 00536, if it is approved: “That Council authorize the issuance of Development Permit Application No. 000485 for 1745 Rockland Avenue, in accordance with: 1. Plans date stamped March 24, 2017. 2. Development meeting all Zoning Regulation Bylaw requirements. 3.The Development Permit lapsing two years from the date of this resolution.


Report_DP 000485 for 1745 Rockland Avenue








Liquor Licence Application No. 000224 for 832 Fort Street (Downtown)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application for or a new Liquor Primary License at 832 Fort Street to license 24 seats (20 indoor and four patio seats) from 12:00 pm until 11:00 pm seven days a week.


Recommendation:That Council direct staff to provide the following response to the Liquor Control and Licensing

Branch: 1. Council, after conducting a review with respect to the location of the establishment and the person capacity and hours of liquor service, supports the application of Terroir Tea Merchant, located at 832 Fort Street to obtain a new Liquor Primary License permitting service from 12:00 pm until 11:00 pm seven days a week for an occupant load not in excess of 24 persons. Providing the following comments on the prescribed considerations: a. The impact of noise on the community in the vicinity of the establishment has been considered and is not expected to be appreciatively different than that generated by the existing operations. It is understood that the total licensed capacity of 24 persons is distributed such that the outdoor space provides four licensed seats and the remaining 20 seats are within the building and the hours in which licenced service is permitted is 12:00 pm until 11:00 pm seven days a week. b. If the application is approved, the impact on the community is expected to be negligible given the size and hours of the business. c. The views of residents were solicited via a mail out to neighbouring property owners and occupiers within 50 metres of the licensed location and a notice posted at the property. The City received two letters in support of the application, one of which was from the Downtown Residents Association. d. Council recommends the issuance of the license as it is expected to increase the economic viability of the business.


1_Report_Liquor Licence 000224 for 832 Fort Street

2_Appendix A_Letter of Rationale, from TerroirTea Merchant, Jason Spencer

3_Appendix B_Aerial photograph (map) of 832 Fort Street and surrounding area

4_Appendix C_Council Minute from May 24, 2007, (Liquor Licencing Policy)

5_Appendix D_Correspondence

6_Appendix E_Provincial Liquor License Types








Liquor Licence Application No. 000227 for 820 Yates Street (Downtown)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to change from a Food-Primary License and add an Entertainment Endorsement at 820 Yates Street.


Recommendation:That Council direct staff to provide the following response to the Liquor Licensing Agency: 1. Council, after conducting a review with respect to the location of the establishment and the person capacity and hours of liquor service, supports the application of Zambri's Merchant, located at 820 Yates Street to add an Entertainment Endorsement to their Food-Primary Liquor License. Providing the following comments on the prescribed considerations: a. The impact of noise on the community in the vicinity of the establishment has been considered and is not expected to be appreciatively different than that generated by the existing operations. It is understood that there is no change to the existing approved occupant load or hours of operation. b. If the application is approved, the impact on the community is expected to be positive, as the approval supports the long term viability of the business in the community. Approval is not expected to be disruptive to the community. c. The views of residents were solicited via a mail out to neighbouring property owners and occupiers within 50 metres of the licensed location and a notice posted at the property. The City received 3 letters in support of the application. d. Council recommends the issuance of the license as the requested change benefitting the business is compatible with the neighbourhood.


1_Report_Liquor Licence 000227 for 820 Yates Street

2_Appendix A_Letter of Rationale

3_Appendix B_Aerial photograph (map) of the establishment and surrounding area

4_Appendix C_Council Minute from May 24, 2007, regarding policy for LCLB applications

5_Appendix D_Correspondence

6_Appendix E_Provincial Liquor License Types







Development Summit 2017

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning and Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an update on the Development Summit Action Plan progress and recommended approach for the next Development Summit in 2017.


Late Item: Presentation


Recommendation: 1. That Council receive this Development Summit Action Plan status report for information.  2. That Council direct staff to:  a. Continue to implement the short-term and mid-term actions identified within the 2016 Development Summit Action Plan; and b. Proceed with planning the next annual Development Summit, in the form of a smaller and more focused session to examine more specific topics, to be held by July 2017.


1_Report_Development Summit 2017

2_Attachment 1_2016 Development Summit Action Plan

3_Attachment 2_Consolidated Monthly Reporting - February 2017

3_Attachment 2_Consolidated Monthly Reporting - February 2017










Land Use Procedures Bylaw Amendments - Temporary Use Permits, CALUC Review Implementation, Fee Updates and Housekeeping

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning and Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding proposed changes to the Land Use Procedures Bylaw.


Late Item:Correspondence, Presentation & Letter from UDI


Recommendation:  That Council direct staff to bring forward amendments to the Land Use Procedures Bylaw to implement the following changes: 1. Clarify terminology and application process for Temporary Use Permits. 2. Update Pre-Application Fees to fulfil Council’s previous direction with regard to revisions to the Community Association Land Use Committee (CALUC) Procedures for Processing Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Variance, Temporary Use Permit and Liquor License Applications. 3. Eliminate development application fees associated with affordable non-profit housing. 4. General update to fees related to processing development applications as described in Table 3 (Development Application Fee Update Comparison Table) of this report. 5. Undertake a number of housekeeping and process consistency amendments as described in this report.


1_Report_Land Use Procedures Bylaw Amendments - Temporary Use Permits, CALUC Review Implementation, Fee Updates and Housekeeping

2_Attachment_Correspondence from Greater Victoria Housing Society

3_LATE_Attachment_Correspondence from Victoria Residential Builders Assoc


5_LATE_Letter from UDI












Proclamation:  ALS Awareness Month

--C. Coates, City Clerk


Report_Proclamation_ALS Awareness Month








Proclamation:  Built Green Day

--C. Coates, City Clerk


Report_Proclamation_Built Green Day








Proclamation:  Orca Awareness Month

--C. Coates, City Clerk


Report_Proclamation_Orca Awareness Month








Proclamation:  Victims and Survivors of Crime Week

--C. Coates, City Clerk


Report_Proclamation_Victims and Survivors of Crime Week








Proclamation: Parachute's Safe Kids Week

--C. Coates, City Clerk


Report_Proclamation_Parachute Safe Kids Week















Earth Charter

--Mayor Helps & Councillors Isitt & Loveday


A Council member motion providing recommendations regarding a Charter initiated by the United Nations aiming to guide the transition towards a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.


Recommendation:That Council endorse the Earth Charter and Earth Charter Cities Manifesto and directs staff to communicate this endorsement to the Earth Charter International Secretariat.


1_Report_Earth Charter

2_Appendix 1_Earth Charter Cities Manifesto

3_Appendix 2_Earth Charter

4_Appendix 3_Faith In Action letter








Late Item: Councillor Sharing

--Mayor Helps









That  Council convene a closed meeting that excludes the public under Section 90 of the Community Charter for the reason that the following agenda items deal with matters specified in Sections 90(1) and/or (2) of the Community Charter, namely:

         Section 90(1)(c)labour relations or other employee relations;

         Section 90(1)(d)a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public must be excluded from the meeting;

         Section 90(1)(e)the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;

         Section 90(1)(g)litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;

         Section 90(1)(i)the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.







No Item Selected