Committee of the Whole - 25 Jan 2018 - Agenda - Html

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Located on the traditional territory of the Esquimalt and Songhees People






















Minutes from the Meeting held December 14, 2017














Johnson Street Bridge Quarterly Update Report

--J. Huggett, Project Director for the Johnson Street Bridge Replacement Project


A report providing information regarding a quarterly update on the progress towards to the Johnson Street Bridge Replacement Project.


Late Item: Presentation, Letter from Hardesty & Hanover


Recommendation: That Council receive this report for information.


1_Report_Johnson Street Bridge Replacement Project Quarterly Update

2_Appendix A_Budget Update

3_Appendix B_Contingency

4_Appendix C_Closure Schedule

5_LATE_Letter from Hardesty and Hanover













Letter from the District of West Kelowna


A letter dated December 13, 2017 regarding cannabis tax revenue.


Recommendation:  That the correspondence dated December 13, 2017 from the District of West Kelowna be received for information.


Referred from the January 18, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting


Letter from the District of West Kelowna











Rezoning Application No. 00602 for 736 Princess Avenue (Rock Bay) and Associated Official Community Amendment

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to construct a six-storey, mixed-use building consisting of ground floor commercial and residential above.


Late Item: Additional Letter to Mayor and Council, Letter from First National Financial, Presentation, Additional Letter from CALUC


Recommendation:That Council decline Rezoning Application No. 00602 for the property located at 736 Princess Avenue.


1_Report_REZ 00602 for 736 Princess Avenue and associated Official Community Plan Amendment

2_Attachment A & B_Maps

3_Attachment C_Plans

4_Attachment D_Letter to Mayor and Council

5_Attachment E_Letter from First National Financial LLP

7_Attachment G_Parking Study

8_Additional CALUC Comments


10_LATE_Additional Letter to Mayor and Council

11_LATE_Letter from First National Financial


13_LATE_Additional CALUC Letter









Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00065 for 736 Princess Avenue (Rock Bay)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to construct a six-storey, mixed-use building consisting of ground floor commercial and residential above.


Recommendation:That Council decline Development Permit with Variance Application No. 00065 for the property located at 736 Princess Avenue.


See Rezoning Item Above for Attachments


DPV 00065 for 736 Princess Avenue








Rezoning Application No. 00608 for 323 Skinner Street (Vic West)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to raise and convert an existing single-storey single-family dwelling to create a daycare for up to 32 children.


Late Item: Presentation


Recommendation:That Council instruct staff to prepare the necessary Zoning Regulation Bylaw Amendment that would authorize the proposed development outlined in Rezoning Application No. 00608 for 323 Skinner Street, that first and second reading of the Zoning Regulation Bylaw Amendment be considered by Council and a Public Hearing date be set.


1_Report_REZ 00608 for 323 Skinner Street

2_Attachment A & B_Maps

3_Attachment C_Plans

4_Attachment D_Letter to Mayor and Counil

5_Attachment E_CALUC Comments

6_Attachment F_Arborist Report

7_Attachment G_Correspondence










Development Permit Application No. 000523 for 323 Skinner Street (Vic West)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to raise and convert an existing single-storey single-family dwelling to create a daycare for up to 32 children.


Recommendation:That Council, after the Public Hearing for Rezoning Application No. 00608, if it is approved, consider the following motion: "That Council authorize the issuance of Development Permit Application No. 000523 for 323 Skinner Street subject to submission of supplementary plans identifying the proposed sustainability features, to the satisfaction of the Director of Sustainable Planning and Community Development, in accordance with: 1. Plans date stamped December 15, 2017. 2. The development meeting all Zoning Regulation Bylaw requirements. 3. The Development Permit lapsing two years from the date of this resolution."


See Rezoning Item Above for Attachments


DP 000523 for 323 Skinner Street








Development Variance Permit No. 00186 for 1322 Rockland Avenue (Rockland)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to subdivide the lot into two lots to create one vacant lot while retaining the existing heritage protected building on the other lot.


Late Item: Final Arborist Report, Additional Letter to Mayor and Council, Revised Plans, Correspondence, Presentation, Additional Correspondence


Recommendation:That Council decline Development Variance Permit Application No. 00186 for the property located at 1322 Rockland Avenue.


1_Report_DP 00186 for 1322 Rockland Avenue

2_Attachment A & B_Maps

3_Attachment C_Plans

4_Attachment D_Letter to Mayor and Council

5_Attachment E_CALUC Comments

6_Attachment F_Arborist Report

7_Attachment G_Correspondence


9_LATE_Final Arborist Report

10_LATE_Additional Letter to Mayor and Council


12_LATE_Revised Plans


14_LATE LATE_Correspondence












Application for a Structural Change to Increase the Occupant Load for a Liquor Primary

License (300068), Upstairs Cabaret, 15 Bastion Square

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application for a structural change to increase the occupant load from 300 to 500 persons.


Late Item: Presentation


Recommendation:That Council direct staff to provide the following response to the Liquor Licensing Agency: 1. Council, after conducting a review with respect to noise and community impacts, does support the application of Upstairs Cabaret, located at 15 Bastion Square for a structural change to increase the occupant load from 300 to 500 persons. Providing the following comments on the prescribed considerations: a. The impact of noise on the community in the vicinity of the establishment has been considered. The consideration of noise related to the Upstairs Cabaret recognized that noise is partly due to the sound system as a constant which is not substantially impacted by occupant load. The impacts of the increased occupant load were also considered and are consistent with uses contemplated for the area and therefore supportable. b. If the application is approved, the net impact on the community is expected to be positive economically as the approval supports the request of the business and presumably their long term viability as a local entertainment destination and as a local employer. c. The views of residents were solicited via a mail out to neighbouring property owners and occupiers within 100 metres of the licensed location and a notice posted at the property. The City received 39 letters in support of the application and 5 letters opposed to the application. The letters of opposition describe issues resulting from patrons leaving the establishment which include, noise, loud use of profanities, vomiting and the overall impact this has on the occupants and business of the Victoria Regent Hotel. Letters of support commonly noted the proposed capacity is needed to support local talent with adequately sized venues. Respondents also supported the application for the impact it would have on reducing queue times and improved atmosphere, both to the benefit of patrons. d. Council recommends the issuance of the license.


1_Report_Application for a Structural Change to Increase the Occupant Load for a Liquor Primary

2_Appendix A_Maps

3_Appendix B_Council Minutes - May 24, 2007 re Policy

4_Appendix C_Letters from the Public

5_Appendix D_Provincial Liquor License Types

6_Appendix E_Response from Applicant Regarding COTW Report










816 Government Street (Customs House) - Road Dedication

--F. Work, Director of Engineering & Public Works


A report providing information and recommendations regarding the property owner voluntarily dedicating 12.5 square metres of land as road right-of-way, where the sidewalk is over private property.


Recommendation:That Council authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute legal documents to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, allowing for the following at 816 Government Street: • the dedication as road of 12.5 square metres of land; and • the discharge of existing SRW CA4632179


816 Government Street (Customs House) - Road Dedication








Council Resolution for Emergency Operations Centre Exercise Grant Application

--P. Bruce, Fire Chief


A report providing information and recommendations regarding a grant application to UBCM for emergency operations centre training for City staff.


Recommendation:That Council: 1. Authorize staff to apply for a $25,000 grant through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund for Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) training and exercise development and delivery. 2. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any agreements related to a successful grant application.


1_Report_Council Resolution for Emergency Operations Centre Exercise Grant Application

2_Appendix A_2018 EOC Program & Application Guide















Attendance at the Board Meeting of the Canadian Capital Cities Organization, February 7 & 8, 2018

--Councillor Alto


A Council member motion regarding a request to attend the CCCO Board Meeting.


Recommendation:That Council authorize the attendance and associated costs for Councillor Alto to attend the in-person Board meeting of the Canadian Capital Cities Organization to be held in Ottawa, February 7 and 8, 2018.


Attendance at the Board Meeting of the Canadian Capital Cities Organization, February 7 & 8, 2018








Attendance at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Sustainable Communities Conference, Feb. 6-8, 2018

--Mayor Helps


A Council member motion regarding a request to attend the FCM Sustainable Communities Conference.


Late Item: Revised Motion


Recommendation:That Council authorize the attendance and associated costs for Mayor Helps to attend the FCM Sustainable Communities Conference to be held in Ottawa, February 6-8, 2018.


LATE_Revised_Attendance at the FCM Sustainable Communities Conference, Feb. 6-8, 2018









Late Item:Contribution Toward Meeting Costs for Victoria Community Association Network

--Councillor Isitt & Loveday


A Council member motion providing recommendations regarding meeting costs for the Victoria Community Association Network.


Recommendation:That Council direct staff to: (1) Make provision for the following expenditures in the 2018 Financial Plan Bylaw, funded from new assessed revenue: a. in-kind funding to cover security costs relating to meetings of the Victoria Community Association Network at Victoria City Hall, with annual expenditures for this purpose not to exceed $800; b. a monetary contribution of $100 toward insurance costs for meetings of the Victoria Community Association Network; (2) Include these expenditures adjusted for the rate of inflation in the draft Financial Plan for 2019 and subsequent years, until such time as Council adopts a different policy with respect to support for meetings of this network.


1_Report_Contribution Toward Meeting Costs for VCAN

2_Attachment 1_VCAN Letter









Late Item:Local Government Leadership Academy Attendance Request

--Councillor Loveday


A Council member motion regarding a request to attend the Local Government Leadership Academy Attendance Request.


Recommendation:That Council approve costs for registration, accommodation, transportation, and incidentals for Councillor Jeremy Loveday to attend the Local Government Leadership Academy conference from Jan.31-Feb 2. 2018.


Local Government Leadership Academy Attendance Request









No Item Selected