The City of Victoria is located on the homelands of the Songhees and Esquimalt People

Proposals for Consent Agenda:

  • C.1 - Minutes from the meeting held March 5, 2020
  • F.3 - Water Conservation Plan in Support of the Grant Application to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program

Addenda: Attachment G, Presentation, Additional Correspondence

A report presenting Council with an update on a proposal following a Council motion for staff to work with the applicant to revise several aspects of the proposal and that the revised proposal be brought back to Committee of the Whole. Given that the applicant has revised the proposal to address the conditions outlined in the Council motion, staff are recommending that the proposal proceed to a Public Hearing.

Addendum: New Item, New Attachment

Addendum: New Item

A report seeking Council approval to suspend public hearings and in-person participation at Council meetings in the Request to Address Council portion of the meeting, and amending the Council Procedures Bylaw to enable all Council members to electronically participate in Committee of the Whole and Council meetings at the same time should the need to do so arise.

A report seeking Council endorsement of a water conservation plan which is required to support the City's application to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Environmental Quality Sub-Stream for $7.5 million in grant funding for sewer projects to reduce inflow and infiltration.

A Council Member Motion requesting that Council adopt the Victoria 3.0 - Pivoting to a Higher Value Economy plan and forward proposed actions to staff for consideration as part of the 2021 budget process.

A Council Member Motion requesting Council support to direct staff to examine on an urgent basis all of the City's fiscal, legislative, and legal powers to support small business and jobs, arts and culture and the visitor economy in order to sustain the local economy during the pandemic and recover stronger and more resilient than before.

Addendum: New Item

A Council Member Motion seeking Council support for a resolution which directs staff to create an economic hardship action plan, and advocacy to different levels of government for action on emergency housing supports and financial support for affected individuals.

No Item Selected