The City of Victoria is located on the homelands of the Songhees and Esquimalt People
Meeting will recess for a lunch break between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Proposals for Consent Agenda 

  • E.1 - 1039 &1043 Meares Street: Rezoning Application No. REZ00827 and Development Permit with Variances Application No. DPV00212 (Fairfield) 
  • E.2 - 624 and 628 Manchester Road: Zoning Regulation Bylaw Amendment Application No. 00803 and Development Permit with Variance No. 00195 (Burnside) 
  • F.1 - Mural License Agreements 
  • F.2 - Delegation of Authority for Market Leasing & Licensing of City Lands
  • F.3 - Amended Reciprocal Fire Services Mutual and Automatic Aid Agreement 
  • F.4 - Proposed Capital Regional District Water Supply Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw No. 4541

A report regarding approval to authorize the City to enter into a new license agreement for a 10-year term with a renewal option of 5 years, with the Yen Wo Society for a new public art mural to be commissioned on the Yen Wo Society’s property at 1713 Government Street.

A report regarding Council instructions for the City Solicitor to prepare a bylaw delegating authority to the Director of Strategic Real Estate to approve commercial leasing and licensing agreements for Other City Properties, within the recommended limits.

A report regarding providing Council with updated information related to the existing Fire Service Mutual and Automatic Aid Arrangement Agreement held between the City of Victoria and the Township of Esquimalt, and the Reciprocal Fire Services Mutual and Automatic Aid Agreement held between the City of Victoria, the District of Saanich, and the District of Oak Bay.

A Council Member Motion regarding the Council Procedures update and considering the Committee Establishment Policy and Committee Terms of Reference Policy.

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