Thursday, April 02, 2020 at 9:00 A.m. - 12:00 P.m.COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 1 CENTENNIAL SQUAREThe City of Victoria is located on the homelands of the Songhees and Esquimalt PeopleAt this time, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, public access to City Hall is not permitted. This meeting may be viewed on the City’s live stream webcast at www.victoria.caA.APPROVAL OF AGENDA B.CONSENT AGENDA Proposals for Consent Agenda: C.1 - Minutes from the meeting held March 12, 2020 E.3 - 582 St. Charles Street: Heritage Alteration Permit with Variance Application No. 00020 E.4 - 1009 Southgate Street: Heritage Designation Application No. 000190 F.2 - Proclamation - Human Values Day F.3 - Proclamation - Melanoma Awareness Month C.READING OF MINUTES C.1Minutes from the meeting held March 12, 2020 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COTW_Mar12_2020 - English.pdfAddendumD.UNFINISHED BUSINESS D.1Council Member Motion: Scaling Up Growing in the City for Community Resilience 1.Addendum_CMM_Scaling Up Growing in the City for Community Resilience.pdf2.Addendum_Presentation_Scaling Up Growing in the City for Community Resilience.pdfAddendum: Updated Council Member Motion and Presentation Referred from the March 26, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting for staff to report back. A Council Member Motion regarding the scaling up of the Growing in the City initiative.E.LAND USE MATTERS E.1Development Application Processes - Considerations to Address COVID-19 Pandemic 1.Addendum_Report_Development Application Process - Considerations to Address COVID-19 Pandemic.pdfAddendum: Report A report seeking direction from Council on several aspects of the development application review processes to ensure the ongoing construction of housing and to enhance the ability of the development and trades industries to both weather and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.E.2429 and 431 Parry Street: Development Variance Permit Applications No. 00234 and No. 00235 (James Bay) 1.Report_Development Variance Permit No. 00234 and Development Variance Permit No. 00235_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf2.Attachment A_Subject Map_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf3.Attachment B_Aerial Map_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf4.Attachment C_Plans date stamped December 19, 2019 and December 29, 2019_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf5.Attachment D_Letter from applicant to Mayor and Council Dec 19, 2019 and Dec 23, 2019_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf6.Attachment E_Community Association Land Use Committee comments dated December 16, 2019_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf7.CALUC Correspondence_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf8.Correspondence_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf9.Addendum_Presentation_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdfAddendum: Presentation A report regarding the proposed Development Variance Permit Application No. 0234 for 429 Parry Street and Development Variance Permit No. 00235 for 431 Parry Street in order to construct two new single-family dwellings with secondary suites and recommending that it move forward to an opportunity for public comment.E.3582 St. Charles Street: Heritage Alteration Permit with Variance Application No. 00020 (Rockland) 1.Report_Heritage Alteration Permit with Variance Application No. 00020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf2.Attachment A_Subject Map_582 St. Charles Street.pdf3.Attachment B_Aerial Map_582 St. Charles Street.pdf4.Attachment C_Plan, date stamped January 28, 2020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf5.Attachment D_Applicants letter, date stamped January 28, 2020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf6.Attachment E_Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 02-112_582 St. Charles Street.pdf7.Attachment F_Statement of Significance_582 St. Charles Street.pdf8.Attachment G_Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Panel, dated February 11, 2020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf9.Addendum_Presentation_582 St. Charles Street.pdfAddendum: Presentation A report regarding the proposed Heritage Alteration Permit with Variance Application No. 00020 for 582 St. Charles Street in order to retroactively approve a variance for a decades-old third-floor balcony and an exterior fire escape and recommending that it move forward to an opportunity for public comment.E.41009 Southgate Street: Heritage Designation Application No. 000190 (Fairfield) 1.Report_Heritage Designation Application No. 000190_1009 Southgate Street.pdf2.Attachment A_Subject Map_1009 Southgate Street.pdf3.Attachment B_Aerial Map_1009 Southgate Street.pdf4.Attachment C_Photographs_1009 Southgate Street.pdf5.Attachment D_Statement of Significance_1009 Southgate Street.pdf6.Attachment E_Application for Heritage Designation by Strata VIS 4224_1009 Southgate Street.pdf7.Attachment F_Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Pannel, February 11, 2020_1009 Southgate Street.pdf8.Addendum_Presentation_1009 Southgate Street.pdfAddendum: Presentation A report regarding the proposed Heritage Designation Application No. 000190 for 1009 Southgate Street in order to designate the exterior of the property and recommending that it move forward to a public hearing.F.STAFF REPORTS F.1COVID-19 Update (Verbal) 1.COVID 19 April 2.pdfF.2Proclamation - Human Values Day 1.Report_Proclamation_Human Values Day.pdf2.Appendix A_Proclamation_Human Values Day.pdf3.Appendix B_List of Previously Approved Proclamations.pdfA report regarding the proclamation for Human Values Day, April 24, 2020.F.3Proclamation - Melanoma Awareness Month 1.Report_Proclamation_Melanoma Awareness Month.pdf2.Appendix A_Proclamation_Melanoma Awareness Month.pdf3.Appendix B_List of Previously Approved Proclamations(1).pdfA report regarding the proclamation for Melanoma Awareness Month, May 2020.G.NOTICE OF MOTIONS G.1Council Member Motion: On-Demand Delivery / Dispatch of Goods and Services on a Non-Profit Basis 1.Addendum_CMM_On-Demand Delivery - Dispatch of Goods and Services on a Non-Profit Basis.pdfAddendum: Updated Council Member Motion A Council Member Motion regarding the proposed development of a non-profit platform for on-demand delivery / dispatch of goods and services.G.2Council Member Motion: Parking in City Parkades 1.Council Member Motion_Parking in City Parkades.pdfA Council Member Motion regarding the proposed Council authorization of staff to make City Parkades free for the month of April 2020.G.3Council Member Motion: Taking Responsibility for the Provision of Emergency Housing and Supports in our Community 1.Addendum_CMM_Taking Responsibility for the Provision of Emergency Housing and Supports in our Community.pdfAddendum A Council Member Motion regarding the proposed activation of the Emergency Social Services Team to ensure that every community member has access to lodging and support during the COVID-19 pandemic.H.NEW BUSINESS I.ADJOURNMENT OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Report_Development Variance Permit No. 00234 and Development Variance Permit No. 00235_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf2.Attachment A_Subject Map_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf3.Attachment B_Aerial Map_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf4.Attachment C_Plans date stamped December 19, 2019 and December 29, 2019_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf5.Attachment D_Letter from applicant to Mayor and Council Dec 19, 2019 and Dec 23, 2019_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf6.Attachment E_Community Association Land Use Committee comments dated December 16, 2019_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf7.CALUC Correspondence_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf8.Correspondence_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf9.Addendum_Presentation_429 and 431 Parry Street.pdf1.Report_Heritage Alteration Permit with Variance Application No. 00020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf2.Attachment A_Subject Map_582 St. Charles Street.pdf3.Attachment B_Aerial Map_582 St. Charles Street.pdf4.Attachment C_Plan, date stamped January 28, 2020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf5.Attachment D_Applicants letter, date stamped January 28, 2020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf6.Attachment E_Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 02-112_582 St. Charles Street.pdf7.Attachment F_Statement of Significance_582 St. Charles Street.pdf8.Attachment G_Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Panel, dated February 11, 2020_582 St. Charles Street.pdf9.Addendum_Presentation_582 St. Charles Street.pdf1.Report_Heritage Designation Application No. 000190_1009 Southgate Street.pdf2.Attachment A_Subject Map_1009 Southgate Street.pdf3.Attachment B_Aerial Map_1009 Southgate Street.pdf4.Attachment C_Photographs_1009 Southgate Street.pdf5.Attachment D_Statement of Significance_1009 Southgate Street.pdf6.Attachment E_Application for Heritage Designation by Strata VIS 4224_1009 Southgate Street.pdf7.Attachment F_Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Pannel, February 11, 2020_1009 Southgate Street.pdf8.Addendum_Presentation_1009 Southgate Street.pdf1.Report_Proclamation_Human Values Day.pdf2.Appendix A_Proclamation_Human Values Day.pdf3.Appendix B_List of Previously Approved Proclamations.pdf1.Report_Proclamation_Melanoma Awareness Month.pdf2.Appendix A_Proclamation_Melanoma Awareness Month.pdf3.Appendix B_List of Previously Approved Proclamations(1).pdf1.Council Member Motion_Parking in City Parkades.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COTW_Mar12_2020 - English.pdf1.Addendum_CMM_On-Demand Delivery - Dispatch of Goods and Services on a Non-Profit Basis.pdf1.Addendum_Report_Development Application Process - Considerations to Address COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf1.Addendum_CMM_Scaling Up Growing in the City for Community Resilience.pdf2.Addendum_Presentation_Scaling Up Growing in the City for Community Resilience.pdf1.Addendum_CMM_Taking Responsibility for the Provision of Emergency Housing and Supports in our Community.pdf1.COVID 19 April 2.pdf