The City of Victoria is located on the homelands of the Songhees and Esquimalt People
Meeting will recess for a lunch break between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Proposals for the Consent Agenda:

  • G.1 - 827 Fort Street: Development Permit with Variances No. 00244 (Downtown)
  • G.2 - 822 Catherine Street: Development Permit with Variances No. 00243 (Vic West) 
  • G.3 - 3109 Highview  Street: Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00238 (Hillside/Quadra)
  • I.2 - Council Member Motion: Global Koreans Politicians Council and the Overseas Koreans Cooperation Center’s “9th Global Korean Politicians Forum” in Seoul, South Korea, from November 13-16, 2023
  • I.3 - Council Member Motion: Municipal Election Reform Request to Government of BC

A presentation providing Council with the audit plan from the City’s external auditor (BDO Canada LLP) for the 2023 financial statement audit.

Moved from the September 28, 2023 COTW meeting

A report regarding a recommended approach for providing additional supports for non-profit rental projects and incentivizing the inclusion of units affordable to median-income households in new market rental developments.

Referred from the September 28, 2023 COTW meeting 

A Council Member Motion regarding drafting bylaw changes to expand ban on possession and use of illicit drugs near “child-focused spaces”

Addendum: Presentation

A report regarding a Development Permit with Variances application for the property located at 827 Fort Street in order to make minor changes to a previously approved proposal by increasing the number of residential rental units from 105 to 119 through an additional storey and recommending that Council waive the standard practice of holding an opportunity for public comment.

Addendum: Presentation

A report regarding a Development Permit with Variances application for the property located at 822 Catherine Street in order to replace a previously approved application by simplifying the building form and reducing the number of residential storeys and recommending that Council waive the standard practice of holding an opportunity for public comment.

Addendum: Presentation

A report regarding a Development Permit with Variances application for the property located at 3109 Highview Street in order to facilitate the construction of a new single-family dwelling on a small lot recently created by subdivision at 3109 Highview Street in the Hillside Quadra Neighbourhood area and recommending that Council waive the standard practice of holding an Opportunity for Public Comment.

Committee Policies Implications

Moved to November 2, 2023 COTW meeting


A Council Member Motion regarding the attendance and associated cost for Councillor Kim to attend the Global Koreans Politicians Council and the Overseas Koreans Cooperation Center’s “9th Global Korean Politicians Forum” to be held in Seoul, South Korea, from November 13-16, 2023.

A Council Member Motion regarding requesting Municipal election reform to the Government of BC.

No Item Selected