REVISED AGENDA - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEThursday, January 14, 2021 at 9:00 A.m. - 12:00 P.m.COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 1 CENTENNIAL SQUAREThe City of Victoria is located on the homelands of the Songhees and Esquimalt PeopleDue to the COVID-19 Pandemic, public access to City Hall is not permitted. This meeting may be viewed on the City’s webcast at www.victoria.caMeeting will recess for a lunch break between 12:30 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.A.APPROVAL OF AGENDA B.CONSENT AGENDA Proposed Consent Agenda: C.1 - Minutes from the meeting held November 12, 2020 C.2 - Minutes from the meeting held November 26, 2020 E.1 - 187 Dallas Road: Request to amend Section 219 Covenant (Ogden Point) C.READING OF MINUTES C.1Minutes from the meeting held November 12, 2020 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COTW_Nov12_2020 - English.pdfC.2Minutes from the meeting held November 26, 2020 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COTW_Nov26_2020 - English.pdfD.UNFINISHED BUSINESS D.1Emergency Social Services Grant - Meegan Community Care Tent 1.Report_Emergency Social Services Grant – Meegan Community Care Tent(1).pdf2.Attachment A_Site Location_Meegan care tent.pdfReferred from COTW January 7, 2021E.LAND USE MATTERS E.1187 Dallas Road: Request to amend Section 219 Covenant (Ogden Point) 1.Report_187 Dallas Request to Amend Covenant.pdf2.Attachment A_Letter from GVHA dated December 3, 2020.pdf3.Attachment B_Section 219 Covenant.pdf4.Addenda_Presentation_187 Dallas Road.pdfAddenda: Presentation A report regarding amending a Section 219 Covenant to allow a temporary pedestrian ramp at 187 Dallas Road (Ogden Point) with an option to extend the time period for an additional two years.E.21609 Fort Street: Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00148 (South Jubilee) 1.Report_1609 Fort Street_Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00148.pdf2.ATTACHMENT A_SUBJECT MAP_1609 Fort.pdf3.ATTACHMENT B_AERIAL MAP_1609 Fort.pdf4.ATTACHMENT C_PLANS DATE STAMPED DECEMBER 21, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf5.ATTACHMENT D_Ltr APPLICANT TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL DATED NOVEMBER 3, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf6.ATTACHMENT E_LETTER OF PLAN APPROVAL IN PRINCIPAL DATED JULY 28, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf7.ATTACHMENT F_PETITIONS AND SUMMARY_1609 Fort.pdf8.ATTACHMENT G_REFERRAL RESPONSE VicPD DATED NOVEMBER 24, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf9.Addenda_Presentation_1609 Fort.pdfAddenda: Presentation A report regarding a proposal to expand the current liquor store within the existing building by increasing the current floor area above the maximum permitted within the zone. E.31140 Government Street: Application for a Structural Change to increase the Occupant Load for the Churchill's Liquor Primary License (Downtown) 1.Report_The Churchill_1140 Government.pdf2.Attachment A_Rationale Letter_The Churchill.pdf3.Attachment B_Site Map_The Churchill.pdf4.Attachment C_Noise Map_The Churchill.pdf5.Attachment D_Vicinity Map_The Churchill.pdf6.Attachment E_Liquor Policy 1_The Churchill.pdf7.Attachment E_Liquor Policy 2_The Churchill.pdf8.Attachment F_Police Comments_The Churchill.pdf9.Attachment G_Provincial Licence Types_The Churchill.pdf10.Addenda_Presentation_1140 Government_Churchill - Bedford Regency.pdfAddenda: Presentation A report regarding an application by The Churchill for a structural change to increase the occupant load of their existing liquor primary licence.F.STAFF REPORTS F.1Council Committee and Neighbourhood Liaison Appointments 1.Table_2018 - 2022 City Council Appointments to Boards and Committees.pdfA document regarding City Council Appointments to Boards and Committees G.NOTICE OF MOTIONS H.NEW BUSINESS H.1Use of Parking Lot at 940 Caledonia Ave for Transitional Tiny Home Community 1.Council Member Motion_RAP_Transitional Tiny Home Community_FINAL.pdfAddenda: Revised Motion A Council Member Motion regarding the potential creation of 30 homes in the parking lot at 940 Caledonia Ave adjacent to Royal Athletic Park to be occupied from March 2021 to September 2022.H.2Late Item H.2.aFilling vacancies on the Advisory Design Panel 1.CMM_Late motion_Filling vacancies on the Advisory Design Panel.pdfAddenda: New item A Councillor Member motion regarding the filling of vacancies on the Advisory Design Panel.I.ADJOURNMENT OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Report_187 Dallas Request to Amend Covenant.pdf2.Attachment A_Letter from GVHA dated December 3, 2020.pdf3.Attachment B_Section 219 Covenant.pdf4.Addenda_Presentation_187 Dallas Road.pdf1.Report_1609 Fort Street_Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00148.pdf2.ATTACHMENT A_SUBJECT MAP_1609 Fort.pdf3.ATTACHMENT B_AERIAL MAP_1609 Fort.pdf4.ATTACHMENT C_PLANS DATE STAMPED DECEMBER 21, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf5.ATTACHMENT D_Ltr APPLICANT TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL DATED NOVEMBER 3, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf6.ATTACHMENT E_LETTER OF PLAN APPROVAL IN PRINCIPAL DATED JULY 28, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf7.ATTACHMENT F_PETITIONS AND SUMMARY_1609 Fort.pdf8.ATTACHMENT G_REFERRAL RESPONSE VicPD DATED NOVEMBER 24, 2020_1609 Fort.pdf9.Addenda_Presentation_1609 Fort.pdf1.Report_The Churchill_1140 Government.pdf2.Attachment A_Rationale Letter_The Churchill.pdf3.Attachment B_Site Map_The Churchill.pdf4.Attachment C_Noise Map_The Churchill.pdf5.Attachment D_Vicinity Map_The Churchill.pdf6.Attachment E_Liquor Policy 1_The Churchill.pdf7.Attachment E_Liquor Policy 2_The Churchill.pdf8.Attachment F_Police Comments_The Churchill.pdf9.Attachment G_Provincial Licence Types_The Churchill.pdf10.Addenda_Presentation_1140 Government_Churchill - Bedford Regency.pdf1.Report_Emergency Social Services Grant – Meegan Community Care Tent(1).pdf2.Attachment A_Site Location_Meegan care tent.pdf1.Table_2018 - 2022 City Council Appointments to Boards and Committees.pdf1.Council Member Motion_RAP_Transitional Tiny Home Community_FINAL.pdf1.CMM_Late motion_Filling vacancies on the Advisory Design Panel.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COTW_Nov12_2020 - English.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COTW_Nov26_2020 - English.pdf