Committee of the Whole - 06 Jul 2017 - Agenda - Html

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  MEETING OF JULY 6, 2017, AT 9:00 A.M.



Located on the traditional territory of the Esquimalt and Songhees People


















Minutes from the Meeting held June 15, 2017













Greater Victoria Harbour Authority Annual Presentation

--I. Robertson, CEO - Greater Victoria Harbour Authority


A presentation regarding the Harbour Authorities annual updates on activities and an overview of their 2016/2017 financials.


Late Item: Presentation














Update on Royal and McPherson Theatres SocietyDeferred to the July 13, 2017 COTW Meeting

--Councillors Alto & Madoff









Letter from the Capital Regional District

Referred by Council from the Meeting of June 22, 2017


A letter dated April 24, 2017 seeking input on a motion regarding the Foreign Purchaser Property Transfer Tax, brought forward as per the Council Member Motion from May 11, 2017.


Late Item: CRD Minutes and Report


1_Letter from the Capital Region District

2_LATE_Draft Minutes from the CRD Board Meeting of June 14, 2017

3_LATE_CRD Staff Report_Foreign Purchaser Property Transfer Tax_June 14, 2017 Meeting

4_LATE_Appendix A_Notice of Motion and Support Documentation

5_LATE_Appendix B_View Royal Response

6_LATE_Appendix C_Highlands Response









Letter from Generation Squeeze

Referred by Council from the Meeting of June 22, 2017


A letter dated April 20, 2017 expressing the organization's support for asking the province to apply the Foreign Buyers' Tax to Victoria and the Capital Regional District, brought forward as per the Council Member Motion from May 11, 2017.


Letter from Generation Squeeze








6. a.



Rezoning Application No. 00538 for 335 Moss Street (Fairfield)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to subdivide the lot to create one small lot, while maintaining the existing house on a regular lot.


Late Item:Presentation & Correspondence


Recommendation:That Council instruct staff to prepare the necessary Zoning Regulation Bylaw Amendment that would authorize the proposed development outlined in Rezoning Application No.00538 for 335 Moss Street, that first and second reading of the Zoning Regulation Bylaw Amendment be considered by Council and a Public Hearing date be set.


1_Report_REZ 00538_335 Moss Street



4_Attachment_Letter to Mayor and Council

5_Attachment_CALUC Meeting Minutes

6_Attachment_Small Lot Rezoning Petition



9_LATE LATE_Correspondence






6. b.



Development Permit Application No. 00538 for 335 Moss Street (Fairfield)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to subdivide and create one small lot while retaining the existing house on a regular lot.


Please refer to the Rezoning Application for attachments.


Recommendation:That Council, after giving notice and allowing an opportunity for public comment at a meeting of Council and after the Public Hearing for Rezoning Application No. 00538, if it is approved, consider the following motion: “That Council authorize the issuance of Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00538 for 335 Moss Street, in accordance with: 1. Plans date stamped May 19, 2017. 2. Development meeting all Zoning Regulation Bylaw requirements, except for the following variances for the Existing Dwelling: i. Part 1.2.5 (c) - reduce the minimum required side yard setback from 3.00m to 1.30 ii. Part 1.2.5 (d) – reduce the minimum required combined side yard setback from 4.5 m to 3.1m. 3. The Development Permit lapsing two years from the date of this resolution.”


1_Report_DPwV 00538_335 Moss Street








Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00023 for 2770 Pleasant (Burnside)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding an application to install a 66.9m2 pre-fabricated office trailer and truck scale in an existing metals recycling yard.


Late Item:Presentation


Recommendation:That Council, after giving notice and allowing an opportunity for public comment at a meeting of Council, consider the following motion: "That Council authorize the issuance of Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00023 for 2770 Pleasant Street subject to registration of legal agreements on the properties' titles securing access across the site and addressing issues of the proposed building and equipment straddling the property line to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, in accordance with: 1. Plans date stamped June 16, 2017 2. Development meeting all Zoning Regulation Bylaw requirements, except for the following variances: i. reduce Class 1 bicycle space requirement from four to zero; ii. relaxation to permit construction over the lot lines for the office trailer structure. 3. The Development Permit lapsing two years from the date of this resolution."


1_Report_DPwV 00023_2770 Pleasant Street



4_Attachment_Letter to Mayor and Council

5_Attachment_Letter from CALUC










Request to remove off-site parking easement and covenant at 324/328 Cook Street

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding a proposal to the remove an off-site parking easement and covenant from the property located at 324/328 Cook Street.


Recommendation:That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a legal instrument, in the form

satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to discharge off-site parking easement number EX143925 (as modified by FA103662) and covenant number EX143926 (as modified by FA103663) from the property located at 324/328 Cook Street.


1_Report_Request to remove off-site parking easement and covenant at 324 - 328 Cook Street


3_Attachment_Letter to Mayor and Council

4_Attachment_Off-Site Parking Easement No. EX143925 andCovenant No. EX143926

5_Attachment_Off-Site Parking Easement No FA103662 and Covenant No. FA103663








Request to discharge and replace existing Statutory Right of Way, 755Caledonia Street (Hudson Walk)

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


A report providing information and recommendations regarding a proposal to discharge and replace a SRW from title and replace this with a new SRW on the property 755 Caledonia Street.


Late Item:Presentation


Recommendation:That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute legal instruments, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to discharge Statutory Right of Way numbers CA4143281 and CA4143284 and register a replacement Statutory Right of Way on the property with the civic address of 755 Caledonia Street.


1_Report_Request to discharge and replace existing Statutory Right of Way, 755 Caledonia Street (Hudson Walk)

2_Attachment_Letter to Mayor and Council







10. a.



Appointment of a Representative to the 2016 Regional Growth Strategy Dispute Resolution Process

--J. Tinney, Director of Sustainable Planning & Community Development


An appointment in response to the June 8, 2017 Council Motion to appoint a representative to the Regional Growth Dispute Resolution Process.


Recommendation: That Council appoint a Council Member to the 2016 Regional Growth Dispute Resolution Process.


Minutes and Report re Appointment of a Representative to the 2016 Regional Growth Strategy Dispute Resolution Process


# - # 



10. b.



Late Item: City of Victoria Policy in Regional Growth Strategy Mediation

--Councillor Isitt


A Council Member Motion providing a policy to guide the City's participation as an intervenor in the Regional Growth Dispute Resolution Process.


Recommendation:That Council adopt the following position in the Regional Growth Strategy mediation process in support of the positions of Central Saanich, Highlands, North Saanich, Saanich and View Royal with respect to encouraging compact and complete communities, discouraging urban sprawl and retaining effective growth management tools: 1. Endorsing concerns expressed by the District of Central Saanich that policies 2.2 (1) and (2) need to be strengthened to avoid development and sprawl on rural lands in Electoral Areas which would be contrary to the objectives of the Regional Growth Strategy to support complete and compact communities, but Council is supportive of water servicing from localized community water sources. 2. Endorsing the position of the District of Highlands that the 2003 Regional Growth Strategy is a stronger tool to support managed growth for the benefit of the entire region, and that incremental sprawl affects biodiversity, increases greenhouse gases and fundamentally negates the values of a Regional Growth Strategy. 3. Endorsing the objection from the District of North Saanich to provisions 1.1 (Keep Urban Settlement Compact) and 1.2 (Protect the Integrity of Rural Communities) for the following reasons: a) There are not sufficient integrated objectives and targets with respect to reduced development pressures contained in the RGS which would strengthen the protection of rural communities; b) There are not clear population projections broken by municipality to provide sufficient certainty;c) There is not sufficient strength in aspirational targets such as the food systems target to ensure objectives are met, particularly containing development and meeting crop production goals; d) Food systems targets are not linked to food security and climate change targets; e) Meeting climate action targets are not linked specifically to rural communities, which have a high percentage of transportation by cars and a large agricultural land base, limiting their ability to meet climate change targets. The RGS does not fully integrate climate action considerations into all aspects of regional growth management; f) The RGS ought to specifically demonstrate how land use designations in Regional Context Statements correspond to the RGS to limit growth; and g) That urban containment boundaries are a more certain and effective approach to protecting rural communities than emphasizing urban growth areas. 4. Endorsing the objection of the District of North Saanich to provision 6.1 (Foster a Resilient Food and Agriculture System) for the following reason: the target of 5,000 ha is aspirational and not linked to population projections or food security. 5. Endorsing the position of the District of Saanich that in comparison to the existing 2003 Regional Growth Strategy, it would appear that the proposed 2016 Regional Growth Strategy reduces the emphasis on a regional and focused approach to sustainable growth management, and that the 2016 RGS can be strengthened through the following actions: a) Including a strong regional growth management hierarchy, which indicates the location of Centres where growth should be focused and investments in infrastructure and transportation facilities should be prioritized; b) Applying stronger criteria to limit future water extensions outside the Growth Area boundary to prevent significant additional development in outlying Rural areas that would contribute to transportation issues, increase greenhouse gas emissions and divert development away from land inside the Growth Area boundary; and c) Develop a robust monitoring and adaptation program to assess progress towards Regional Growth Strategy targets and objectives. In particular, the targets to accommodate 95% of new dwelling units within the Growth Policy Area and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 61% below 2007 levels will need to be evaluated on a regular basis. 6. Endorsing the objection of the Town of View Royal to provisions 2.2.2 and 2.2.4 for the following reasons: a) That additional development on rural and resource lands is at the expense of development of lands within the Urban Containment Boundary; b) That additional development on rural and resource lands will contribute to further transportation challenges in the region, and does not allow for efficient public transportation, increases greenhouse gas emissions, and does not provide for jobs/housing balance; c) That rural development will further contribute to GHG emissions by encouraging a high-carbon built form.


1_Report_City of Victoria Policy for Regional Growth Strategy Mediation

2_Attachment 1_Record of Resolutions

3_Attachment 2_Draft RGS Bylaw 4017




















Off-leash Dog Park Pilot Project in Barnard Park

--Councillors Loveday & Thornton-Joe & Mayor Helps


A Council member motion providing recommendations regarding an off-leash dog area in Barnard Park, on a trial basis.


Recommendation:Therefore Be It Resolved that Council directs staff to report back on impacts and advisability of allowing for dogs off-leash on a trial basis in Barnard Park.


Off-leash Dog Park Pilot Project in Barnard Park








Storefront Cannabis Retailer Rezoning Policy

--Councillors Lucas & Thornton-Joe


A Council member motion providing recommendations to amend the policy to increase the distance between cannabis dispensaries.


Recommendation:BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council consider a change to the Storefront Cannabis Retailer Rezoning Policy: a) to change the distance from 200m to 400m that a storefront cannabis retailer (in a straight line from the closest lot line to closest lot line) from another lot where a storefront cannabis retailer is permitted, whether or not a storefront cannabis retailer is active or not (sample map attached). b) this Policy does not limit Council from considering variances to the separation distances noted in the Policy based on circumstances related to a specific application.


Late Item: Letter of support from the Downtown Residents Association


1_Council Motion_Storefront Cannabis Retailer Rezoning Policy


3_LATE_Letter from the DRA_Support for Bylaw Amendments









Naming of the James Bay Library

--Councillor Young


A Council member motion providing recommendations regarding a process for the naming of the new James Bay Library Branch.


Recommendation:That the City request public input as to a suitable name for the James Bay branch of the Greater Victoria Public Library.


Naming of James Bay Branch








Late Item: Advocacy for Provincial and Federal Investment in the E & N Rail Corridor

--Councillor Isitt


A Council member motion providing recommendations on a request for Provincial and Federal investment in the E & N Rail Corridor.


Recommendation:That Council endorse the following resolution and request that the Mayor write, on behalf of Council, to the Provincial and Federal Ministers responsible for Transportation and Infrastructure, forwarding this resolution and requesting favourable consideration, with copies sent to the Premier and Prime Minister, the Island Corridor Foundation, the Capital Regional District, and local governments and First Nations governments on Vancouver Island: Resolution: Provincial and Federal Investment in E & N Rail Corridor WHEREAS the City of Victoria’s Strategic Plan 2015-2018 identifies the strategic action to work with other municipalities, First Nations and other partners to get the train running between Victoria and Langford; AND WHEREAS rail provides a viable long-term option for the transport of people and goods on Vancouver Island that aligns with a commitment to climate action and compact, complete communities; AND WHEREAS a lack of investment in the Esquimalt & Nanaimo (E & N) Rail Corridor between Victoria, Courtenay and Port Alberni has resulted in unrealized economic opportunities and limited transportation options; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Victoria requests Provincial and Federal investment in the E & N Rail Corridor in the next Provincial and Federal budgets, to allow for the establishment as soon as possible of efficient commuter rail service between Victoria, the Western Communities and the Cowichan Valley, and restoration of inter-city passenger rail service between Victoria and Courtenay; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT consideration be given to electrification of the rail line between Victoria and Courtenay, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and provide a clean energy option for the transport of people and goods on Vancouver Island.


Report_Advocacy for Provincial and Federal Investment in the E & N Rail Corridor













No Item Selected